Online Test of maths class 10
chapter-wise from the NCERT Maths Textbook as prescribed by CBSE is prepared
for students to practice all chapters very quickly in a very interactive way.
We covered all the chapters from the NCERT Mathematics textbook. Class 10th
Mathematics chapter-wise MCQ Online Test with answers will help the students in
practicing the variety of questions and securing good marks in the board
These maths class 10 MCQ online test is
very much valuable for the board students and also for those who are preparing
for various government jobs like SBI clerk, SBI PO, IBPS PO, RRB PO, NDA,
SSC, LIC, etc. CBSE Board Class 10th NCERT Maths books syllabus is the base
syllabus for a variety of competitive and job exams.
Government job exams and entrance exams
of Railway, Banks, Polytechnique entrance exam, etc. ask multiple-choice
questions based on the class 10th Maths book. So practicing the Class 10 Maths MCQs
Online Test with answers will be very helpful for students who study in Class
10th and also for those who already passed the 10th and practicing for government jobs or other entrance exams.
We prepared the Class 10 Maths
chapter-wise MCQ Online Test that has all the chapter's important
multiple-choice questions on the important topics. Students can practice the
complete syllabus of the class 10th Maths subject chapter-wise in MCQ format
with answers in a very short time with their mobile, laptop, or computer.
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CBSE Board Class 10 Maths NCERT Book Syllabus
CBSE Board Class 10 Maths NCERT Book
MCQs online test is based on chapter-wise separately. There is a total of 15
chapters in the class 10th CBSE board NCERT book. Here we listed all chapter
names as per the NCERT book. If students want to practice more MCQs on a
particular chapter then can click on the given chapter name and will get more
MCQs on that particular chapter.
- Real Numbers
- Polynomials
- Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
- Quadratic Equations
- Arithmetic Progressions
- Triangles
- Coordinate Geometry
- Introduction to Trigonometry
- Some Applications of Trigonometry
- Circles
- Constructions
- Areas Related to Circles
- Surface Areas and Volumes
- Statistics
- Probability
Benefits of NCERT Class 10 Maths Chapter Wise MCQs with Answers
This class 10 maths MCQ online
chapter-wise mock test is not only useful for class10th board exams it also
helps in government job exams because class 10th maths is the main subject in
many competitive exams for PSU Jobs like Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), Banking, SSC, Bank clerk, Indian Army, Police, etc.
CBSE class 10 maths MCQ online test
questions are prepared chapter-wise so students can practice specific chapters
that they want to more practice. Every chapter has sufficient MCQs that cover
each and every important topic of the chapter that is asked in the CBSE Board
examination and various competitive exams or government job exams. Class 10th
MCQ Maths test is in a very interactive Quiz format that makes it very easy for
the students to solve it and practice it again and again.
You Should Read: How to Get Good Marks in Competitive Exams
Class 10 Maths Chapter Wise MCQs with Answers Salient Features
All MCQs are strictly based on the
NCERT class 10th maths book, not a single question from the out-of-syllabus. CBSE
Class 10 Maths MCQ Online Test is completely free of cost to solve, there is no
payment, registration, sign-up, mobile number, or email-id, required to solve
these MCQs Mock Test.
Class 10 maths mock test is designed
especially chapter-wise for the students so students can solve specific chapters
only as per their choice. There is only one minute allotted to each question.
In the mock test if you select a correct option then a box will turn green and
for a wrong selection, the box will turn red.
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After completing the submission, you will get the final result of your mock test. If you want to test again then just click on the start again button and the test will start again. Since all questions will come in random sequence so there is no repetition of the question on a particular number.
CBSE Class 10 Maths MCQ Online Mock Test
- CBSE Class 10 Maths MCQ Online Mock Tests
- Chapter Wise Quiz Test
- The questions are given in English language only
- You will get 60 seconds to answer each question.
- Know your score when the test is complete
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NCERT Class 10th multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and answers are prepared with
accuracy but we do not claim 100% accuracy so please check the answers yourself
also because there is a chance of mistyping.